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Discover phase

A really important step is the Discover Phase.

It's not just what I can do, but what you need for your project. WordPress, custom or manage. Static...

I learn about you and the website that you want and need.

There are multiple options and we need to pick the right one.

This will be the base to start building!

Illustration of many websites and two people looking at them

The Build

Illustration of a woman coding with a multi screens set up

Once everything is clear and decided I start to build your website.

You'll be able to follow the process and give feedback to adjust if needed.

Launch Time

Once everything in the list is checked and double checked we go live!

Responsiveness, browser compatibility, data...

Everything needs to be perfect for launch day!

Illustration of a checklist

Support and hosting

Illustration of a woman with a computer

Making the site live is not the end.

You have the option to get support, hosting, consultation...


It doesn't matter. I'm London based, but location is no limitation these days.

I worked from and to: Spain, London, New York, Shanghai, Perú...

Technology is incredible!

Illustration of a map